Saddle up! Ann Arbor's City Council has approved a protected, two-way bikeway along Miller Avenue, and tickets for Bike Summit 2025 (free) and the Bicycle Film Festival ($20) are available now!
Hi Bill! You have to put in the presale code (BIKESROCK25) where it says "KNOW A PRESALE CODE?" before it allows you to choose the number of tickets. You can email us at if you have any more trouble.
I am trying to buy 2 tickets to the Bicycle Film Festival but the site is not working. The Select No of Tickets button is not active. Frustrating.
Hi Bill! You have to put in the presale code (BIKESROCK25) where it says "KNOW A PRESALE CODE?" before it allows you to choose the number of tickets. You can email us at if you have any more trouble.